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Isn’t it time to rekindle the passion and enjoy the passionate LOVE you deserve?

To figure out how to keep your relationship fresh? To put the past in the past and build excitement into your relationship?

To be irresistibly desired?

Truly joyful, happy relationships have two people that know what they want in their partners. They know the passion that true love can bring. They know how to overcome the bumps in the road when they get to them.

They are FOCUSED on communication, intimacy, and keeping the spark alive. They know what they want from a relationship and what their partner wants as well. And because of this, their relationship thrives in the long term.

And yet we tend to lose hope so easily when it comes to having a wildly successful relationship. We give up because we think it’s too hard.

Past relationships have hurt us.

We don’t know what we really want.

We don’t understand basic communication patterns.

“When nobody around you seems to measure up, it's time to check your yardstick.”

Bill Lemley 

Do you know what you actually want in a relationship? Are you asking for too much? Not enough?

Do you believe that you can have a fulfilling, passionate long-term relationship? Do you have faith that, even though you and your partner might be stuck in a rut now, you can bring the excitement back? you know HOW to build such a joyful relationship?

Ask yourself…

  • Am I currently happy with my relationship?
  • Do I wonder where the passion went?
  • Am I loving my partner the way they want to be loved?
  • Would my life be better if I knew how to “Keep The Fire Burning”?

From the time we’re young, we’re implanted with false ideas of what it means to be in a relationship. We spend our entire lives thinking that passion is just for dating and “newlyweds.”

False ideas like these:

  • “The excitement dies once you’ve been in a relationship for a while.”
  • “Only a few couples manage to achieve that.”
  • “I’ve never been in an exciting long-term relationship.”
  • “Passion doesn’t last.”
  • “Everyone gets divorced now, why even bother…”

It’s like living in isolation. We desperately want to find the passion we deserve.

To break through the doldrums of routines that have held us back. To figure out why we’ve lost that spark and how to get it back.

To let absolutely NOTHING stand in the way of the passionate love we deserve.

To stop giving up at the first sign of “not tonight.”

But we don’t know how.

We’re held back by myths and boring routines.

But what if there were a solution?

A way to break out of our rut, understand the difference between infatuation and deeper, true love, know what we want, keep the spark alive, and CONFRONT our relationship fears?

Now there is...



♥️ 5:1 Conflict2Connection ♥️
Healthy Relationship Mastery Course

The step-by-step process to go from infatuation to a truer, deeper love, conquer boring routines, discover how to keep the passion alive, and much more!

This powerful course contains 57 lessons that lead you on a step-by-step journey to teach you how to have a PASSIONATE relationship.

You will discover how to show love to your partner, knowing the importance of sexuality and sensuality so you can live a life together that's filled with excitement and joy.

In this relationship-changing course, you’ll discover:

  • The SURPRISING ways you can work with the chemistry of your body to bring back that loving feeling
  • How to OVERCOME the myth that your passion will disappear
  • How to ELIMINATE negative relationship programming from your childhood
  • How to PREPARE yourself for more meaningful communication
  • Techniques to MOVE from infatuation to an even deeper love
  • How to ACCEPT change
  • How to DETERMINE what you need from your partner
  • How to identify CHALLENGES and then conquer them
  • STRATEGIES to keep the spark
  • And so much more!

This powerful journey could absolutely change your relationship.

In 20 years, you could look back on THIS as the time when you finally realized you were capable of maintaining a passionate, long-term relationship.

When you accepted love in its truest form.

When you stopped being held back by your routines, discouraged because you didn’t understand how to keep the spark alive, and developed the relationship you were DESTINED to have.

This is your moment.

Your fork in the road.

Your door to a happy relationship.

Your door to an exciting relationship that stays exciting.

The key to the cage has been given to you. You can either open the cage or throw it away.

It’s your choice. Will you be truly, passionately loved or lonely?

You could try to learn all of this on your own, but it would require hours upon hours of reading and research.

You wouldn’t have the guidance of an expert.

And you wouldn’t really know if you were making progress.

Or you could be taken by the hand and guided on this life-changing journey.

Which will it be?

There are 6 modules with 57 total lessons.

The modules are:

  • Module 1 - Where Did All the Passion Go?
  • Module 2 - The Power of Communication
  • Module 3 - Handling Disagreements
  • Module 4 - Your Space - My Space - Our Space
  • Module 5 - Sex and Sexuality
  • Module 6 - Culivate The Telationship for long term growth

And here's what we're going to cover:

Lesson #1 - From the Fire of Passion to ... What?

Most committed relationships, except those of convenience, had a spark which caught fire and became unbridled passion. Feelings were intense. Within a couple of months, they began to wonder what happened. Where did all the passion go?

Maybe this is you. This lesson explains why your passion decreased and introduces some challenges that the course gives solutions for.

Lesson #2 - You Can Keep It Special

In this lesson, you’ll learn some basic strategies to keep the spark alive. You’ll see how making your relationship a priority can change much of your life. You’ll discover the differences between ordinary routines and positive rituals, and end the lesson with some fun rituals that keep the passion burning.

Lesson #3 - Help! It’s Already Difficult!

What happens when you haven’t lived with each other long and things are already difficult? Remember, you’re merging two households as well as two different ways of living. Before you doubt yourself and your decision, learn about common difficulties when a couple first moves in with each other and how to ease the transition.

Lesson #4 - Keeping Challenges to a Minimum

In this lesson, you’ll discover how most disagreements are rarely about the couple. They’re about the individual. In fact, the biggest disagreements between couples are a matter of perspective. You’ll learn how to better understand the reasons for your particular viewpoints. Finally, you’ll learn the key to keeping small challenges from turning into big issues.

Lesson #5 - Did I Make a Mistake?

In this lesson, you’ll explore ways to evaluate your concerns that you may have made a mistake in moving in together or getting married. You’ll see how merging lives takes time. You’ll learn how doubts are often based on emotions and how to resolve them. And you’ll discover strategies you can use to strengthen your relationship.

Lesson #6 - What You Can Expect

The early passion which brought you together can bring you to a deepening commitment to each other over the years. This results in a comfortableness you didn’t know was possible. In this lesson, you’ll see how change and life stages can affect your relationship and how the foundation you set now will assist as changes occur.

Lesson #7 - Module 1 Summary and Reflection

You now know that there are many things you can do to counteract the effect of some decreasing “passion” chemicals in your body. You’ve learned rituals that keep the fun in your relationship. And you know strategies for dealing with the changes as your relationship matures and as you age. It’s time to reflect on what you’ve learned, as well as think through how you’re going to implement these things in your life.

Lesson #8 - Don’t Count on Mind Reading

Your communication styles began before you met each other. You also have different personality characteristics which affect your communication with each other. In this lesson, you’ll learn what happens when you make assumptions about your partner’s thoughts and feelings, the importance of timing your discussions, and which partner needs to be more patient.

Lesson #9 - You’re Both Learning

This lesson lays another of layer to the foundation regarding personal differences in communication. Being aware of personal differences can assist you in accepting your partner as they are and adapt how you interact with their style. You’ll explore how much you want to know your partner, the power of listening, and the art of questioning.

Lesson #10 - Communication Differences

In this lesson, you’ll discover how there are differences in personality which affect how you give messages and how they are received. You’ll learn specific strategies for getting past these differences, resulting in more effective communication and a stronger bond.

Lesson #11 - Four Ways of Communicating

An appropriate communication style achieves its goal in the given situation. In this lesson, you’ll learn about four basic communication styles - passive, aggressive, passive-aggressive, and assertive. You’ll also discover when it’s effective to use each of these styles.

Lesson #12 - Getting It Right - Reflective Listening

In this lesson, you’ll learn and practice the most effective way to communicate with your partner. You want to ensure your partner hears what you’re saying. You’ll discover the precise process for Reflective Listening, where you hear your partner’s thoughts and feelings without your own interpretation interfering with the message.

Lesson #13 - Words That Destroy - Words That Build

Words have power to create or destroy. In this final communication lesson, you’ll learn about words and phrases which can separate you or increase conflict and those which can bring you closer together. To build your relationship you want to establish intimacy. You’ll discover loving words and strategies that support this goal.

Lesson #14 - Module 2 Summary and Reflection

In this lesson, you’ll reflect on all that you’ve learned about communicating effectively with your partner. You’ve seen how differences in personality and communication style can enrich your life or produce challenges if you’re not aware of them. You might be surprised to discover how much you’ve learned! Now it’s time to think about how you’re going to put your new strategies into practice.

Lesson #15 - Common Challenges

In this lesson, you’ll discover how to use your communication techniques to resolve several common issues: when one of you doesn’t do what they say they will, when life gets difficult for one of you, and the challenges of a blended family.

Lesson #16 - Handling Anger

Regardless of how good your communication is, someone will get angry at some point. In this lesson, you’ll discover how to sort out your anger when you or your partner are angry, so it doesn’t fester and weaken your relationship.

Lesson #17 - What’s the Real Reason for Your Anger?

It may surprise you to learn that what you think you’re upset about isn’t it at all. Keeping feelings hidden takes energy away from the energy needed to have an intimate, passionate, and amazing relationship. In this lesson, you’ll learn specific exercises to discover what’s at the root of your anger and what you can do about it.

Lesson #18 - When Games Aren’t Fun

When you share honestly and deeply, you can achieve an intimacy which binds you to each other. In this lesson, you’ll learn how to avoid destructive relationship games you or your partner may play unconsciously. These games block intimacy, distract you from the truth of how you feel, and as a result, your relationship loses.

Lesson #19 - Fun Games

In this lesson, you’ll learn some fun, positive relationship games. Their intention is to facilitate open communication and keep your relationship fun and exciting. You’ll discover how to find out your partner’s love language and learn some fun rituals to keep the fire burning.

Lesson #20 - Fears Can Challenge Your Relationship

In this lesson, you’ll address fearful feelings, often long-standing, which directly interfere in your relationship with your partner. You’ll examine two basic fears - the fear of rejection and the fear of abandonment - and learn specific strategies to work through them.

Lesson #21 - Module 3 Summary and Reflection

Although it took courage to face some of the topics in this module, it gave you the opportunity to explore common challenges, anger, and your relationship fears. You discovered your partner’s love language. And you learned about relationship games that keep you apart and others that bring you closer together. Reflecting on your new strategies will help you apply them and enhance your relationship.

Lesson #22 - Everyone Needs Space

This lesson gives you an exercise to determine yours and your partner’s needs for personal space. You’ll learn how your personal space requirement depends on your personality, your brain chemicals, and how it will expand and contract depending on the situation.

Lesson #23 - Outside Friendships

You and your partner are amazing people with gifts, talents, and interests. Some of those you have in common. They probably drew you together. Others you don’t share. Outside friendships give you variety as well as the opportunity to explore different aspects of yourself. In this lesson, you’ll learn how to manage outside friendships while keeping a sizzling relationship with your partner.

Lesson #24 - Money and Work - The Joy and Pain

In this lesson, you’ll examine how work and money can be used for necessities and fun or can become a hostile third party in your relationship. Learn how to make money work for you, not against you.

Lesson #25 - Blended Families

This lesson is about managing the challenges of bringing children into your relationship, making yours a blended family. As with all things, clear communication keeps your relationship strong as you learn strategies to enable your new family to flourish.

Lesson #26 - Nurture Your Relationship as You Grow and Change

As the two of you navigate the joys and challenges of life, you’ll continue to learn about yourself and your partner. Over time, as you grow, you’ll also change. These changes can be confusing for you and your partner. Learn how to handle these changes and use them to enhance your relationship.

Lesson #27 - Defining What’s Important

In this lesson, you’ll explore what is most important to you and your partner, and what to do when your expectations are violated. Be aware of your non-negotiables and learn how to compromise in areas in which you can be more flexible.

Lesson #28 - Module 4 Summary and Reflection

You now have a strong foundation for heading off the repercussions of many types of challenges in your relationship, including differing needs for personal space and outside friendships. Keep practicing the strategies you’ve learned. When something is ingrained in you, you’ll have ready access to it during stressful situations.

Lesson #29 - Talking About Sex

Your sexuality and sexual desires are often difficult to share with your partner, but doing so will increase your overall sense of intimacy and trust with each other. In this lesson you’ll learn why it might be difficult to talk about sex, what to talk about, and strategies to help you in your discussions.

Lesson #30 - How and Why Sex Drives Differ

In this lesson, you’ll look at the difference in sex drives between men and women as well as within males and females. You’ll also learn how stress can kill libido and how to counteract the negative sexual effects of stress.

Lesson #31 - The Role of Hormones

In this lesson, you’ll learn about the role of hormones and how they affect sexual desire and response. You’ll also learn symptoms of hormonal imbalances in both men and women and what to do if you suspect you or your partner has an imbalance.

Lesson #32 - Sensuality and Sexuality

This lesson is an introduction into what turns people on. This will give you some ideas of what to do to initiate having sex as well as fun things to do during sex. You’ll learn the difference between sensuality and sexuality, and what are the most sensual areas of yours and your partner’s bodies.

Lesson #33 - Spicing Up Your Sex Life

In this lesson, you’ll learn some fun things to spice up your sexual relationship, including getting rid of the routine, an activity from the ancient practice of Tantra to bring you closer, and other fun activities. You’ll also learn about the minefield of past experiences and strategies to help you and your partner get past negative influences from the past.

Lesson #34 - Can Relationships Survive Without Sex?

In this lesson, you’ll address what to do if you and your partner can’t have sex. Is this the end to intimacy? You’ll learn how to address physical challenges, your emotional connection, and the challenge of one of you not wanting physical intimacy.

Lesson #35 - Module 5 Summary and Reflection

You’ve had a quick overview of sex and sexuality in this module. You’ve learned about differences in personal sexual appetites, how hormones can affect sexual desires, and some games you can use to spice up your sexual relationship. You’ve also explored how you can adjust if intercourse isn’t possible. You’ll reflect on all you’ve learned, so you can leave the lessons knowing how to Keep the Fire Burning!

Module 6 - Cultivating a Healthy and Fulfilling Relationship

In this final module, we will explore the importance of cultivating a healthy and fulfilling all what we learn in our daily lifes. A Healthy peacefull environment must be cultivated it don't just show up!

A total of 57 lesson - to help you cultivate a relationship that you love to be in.

Normally, live in-person workshops cost $500 to $1,000 for a 3 day workshop.

And my digital courses like this cost over $299

But today, you’re going to get access to this entire life-changing program Level 1 for  - ONLY $147.

And you’ll get the entire system:

  • 57 quick lessons to lead you on the journey to a more passionate love ($299 value)
  • 6 module quizzes to empower you to remember the key points ($99 value)
  • A thorough understanding of what you need to do to create the exciting, long-term relationship you deserve (PRICELESS)
  • Priority email support with questions about the course topics ($100 value)
  • Impulse Control Workbook and affirmations to help you apply and implement what ($27 value)

Finally, you’re going to...

  • Let NOTHING stop you from accomplishing your relationship goals
  • PURSUE the passion you’ve been longing for
  • Overcome ALL the negative relationship myths that have held you back
  • FINALLY learn to work through challenges together with your partner
  • Learn what YOU want from your relationship
  • STOP putting it off and REKINDLE your passion today

Isn’t it time to embrace the passionate love you deserve?

To have the exciting relationship you know you deserve?

The choice is yours.

Level 1 Price  

Today Only: $147

We offer 3 Levels you can work with us click below for details

ENROLL NOW! Enroll Now

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About The Instructor

Hello, Tonya and Lamont Johnson here. We're so overjoyed that GOD has intentionally placed us here!

We started our love journey when Lamont was 19, I was 23, and I was a single mother of five.

Life was anything but easy, but together, we worked through the challenges, eventually growing our family to six beautiful children. Three boys and three girls all of which grown and gone. We've had our share of ups and downs over our 18 years of marriage with a big family and married young life throw everything at us.  Two flawed imperfect people trying to make a marriage work. The odds were not in our favor! 

We grew tired of unhealthy relationships, miscommunication, and unresolved conflicts that had been going on for 2 years. After years of frustration, we decided to make a change. Over the past 18 years, we’ve invested in communication and conflict-resolution skills, transforming our relationship into a source of strength and peace. God has pushed us to help other that was like us to build a healthy peacefully relationship you enjoy. One of which will  bring you peace and allow you to grow to your best self. 

Now, we’re committed to helping others build fulfilling relationships. We believe what isn’t transformed will be transferred, and we’re here to guide you toward healthier connections and effective communication. We'd love to work with you if you’re ready to take the first step. Let’s create the love and harmony you deserve! LET'S BUILD❤️

Frequently Asked Questions

Are there requirements or prerequisites for this course?

There are no prerequisites for taking this course, although being in a current relationship or trying to figure out why one failed helps you to understand the lessons.

It's essential to have someone with whom to practice communication strategies. You and a friend can practice those together if you’re not in a current love relationship.

Your success in this course depends on your ability to implement the information. The information is simple, but understanding the information is insufficient. You have to be willing to do the exercises and implement the strategies in your life.

What benefits will I receive from this course?

  • You’ll discover that the decrease in passion in your relationship is a natural part of life and why this is so.
  • You’ll learn specific ways to speak to your partner no matter what is happening in your life.
  • You’ll receive detailed and specific instructions on proven ways to communicate with each other, even during difficult times.
  • You’ll discover why you or your partner wanting personal space doesn’t necessarily mean that your love for each other is disappearing.
  • You’ll discover how sexual desire changes and how you can adapt your sexual relationship and remain emotionally intimate.

Is there a particular audience that this course is geared toward?

This course was developed for those who want specific strategies for keeping their relationships strong, passionate, and healthy.

Although being in a current relationship is helpful, those trying to figure out why a relationship went wrong or wondering how to keep that special someone when they appear will also benefit.

Remember, for only $147, you’re getting…

  • 57 quick lessons to lead you on the journey to a more passionate love ($299 value)
  • 6 module quizzes to empower you to remember the key points ($99 value)
  • A thorough understanding of what you need to do to create the exciting, long-term relationship you deserve (PRICELESS)
  • Priority email support with questions about the course topics ($100 value)
  • Impulse Control Workbook and affirmations to help you apply and implement what ($27 value)

Will this work? Yes, it absolutely will.

21-Day Action Takers Guarantee

We're willing to GUARANTEE it. If you take action on the materials and don’t find yourself rewiring your brain and moving toward a more fulfilling and passionate relationship, I’ll refund your money.

This 21-day action-takers guarantee ENSURES that all the risk is on me. If these materials don’t empower you to keep the fire burning in your relationship, I’ll refund your money.

It’s ALL reward, NO risk.

Your partner is waiting for you. Reconnect and reignite the spark!

You can finally feel the passion again that you deserve in your relationship.

Level 1 - Regular: $299  Today $147

We offer 3 Levels you can work with us; click below for details


Questions? Email:


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In your corner,


T n L

Also, if you have any questions, please ask. I’m happy to help. You can reach us at